Monday, August 29, 2011

Recipe – Celery Carrot Apple juice

    The nutrition booms when celery, carrot and apple are combined together. Sure you have already heard about all the benefits that those veges and fruits can give, so you definitely want have to try this. The mixture enhances the flavor as well as the effect of keeping out coronary heart diseases. The precious great amount of vitamin A, C, K is found in this juice, too. I think we should share the natural beauty of natural unprocessed vegetables and fruits.

Handmade IS better than takeaway.

    The portion of combination could be flexible. I’m not sure which is preferred by you. For me, I like carrot best so I just let the juice be filled with carrot. Of course, the truth is, when you add carrot, the color is there.
    Celery is for both flavor and nutrition, but not a perfect match for how the juice looks. The fact is it would slightly turn the pure red into deep red. So, the recommended portion of celery to carrot would be 1:2.

  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 1 large carrots
  • 1 large apple
  • Some pure water
  • 2 tsp honey

1.      Wash the fruit and vegetables with water. A stiff vegetable brush would be preferred to clean with. Keep the leaves on the celery, but remove the carrot tops.
2.      Core the apple.
3.      Mix honey with a glass of water.
4.      Prepare some pure water to add to the blender.
5.      Slice all the things to fit your juicer.

Prep: 10 mins
Process: 5mins

Yield: serves 2 to 4

Adding water is important
   Some people just think the combination is too thick with too much celery and carrot fibre and the taste is strong.

Serve without sediment
    I don’t know whether you would like to drink all the things together. Certainly, doing so can better grasp all the nutrition of the blend. However, your mouth could be filled with bits of celery, carrot and apple. So I would recommend serving without sediment.

Enjoy your homemade flavor!
1.      Keep trying and you will blend your new flavor. You may use other combination as well. Celery and carrot are two basic vegetable juice content.

If you tried, don’t hesitate to share. Picture? Words? Essays? WELCOME!
Have difficulties? Let me help you. 


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